20 ways to burn fat faster

A fast metabolism is the key to a smooth weigh loss pattern and a trimmer body. Lots of factors play a role in your metabolism. Some lucky (and annoying) people simply inherit a fast metabolism where muffins, pizza and burgers pass through their bodies in the fast lane, while others have to fight for the calories not to stay stuck in the curves.

Genes are an important factor but gender and age also play a big role in the way we burn energy.

There are, however, a number of ways to turn up the speed and burn those extra calories much faster than before.

Here are 20 ways to turn up the heat:

1. Build muscles. As I explained before, the greater the muscle mass, the better the burn. Muscles demand more energy than fat on the body. I kilo of fat (2.2 lbs) burns 4 kcal per 24 hrs, the same amount of muscle burns up 12 kcal.

2. Increase your fitness levels. Aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming or jogging boosts fat burning and that effect reaches its peaks two to three hours afterwards and continues for 24 hours or so.

3. Drink plenty of water. The body needs water to burn calories and to function properly. Research has found that people who drink 8 glasses of water a day burn more calories than those who only drank half that amount.

4. Keep snacking. If you go too long between meals, the metabolism slows down. So reach for that apple, handful of nuts or piece of cheese between meals to keep up the intake of fuel and give your body something to work on.

5.Spice it up! Hot spices contain active elements that up the gears in your metabolism. Hot chili peppers is a good example because it contains a substance called capsicum which both reduces your appetite and speeds up the metabolism. A meal spiced with chili can improve the fat burning ability of your body and make it last up to three hours after you finished eating.

6. Take some cinnamon. Not only does chili speed up your fat burning abilities, cinnamon is just as good, if not better because it also helps keep your blood sugar level (which stops sugar cravings) and slows down the creation of insulin. All this means that your cells absorb less fat.

7. Pep up with protein. It takes longer for your digestive system to use up protein (by that I mean, lean chicken, meat and fish, nuts, eggs, some cheeses and low-fat milk and yogurt). It also boosts your energy levels and make you feel fuller longer. It helps build muscle too and in that way improves your fat burning ability.

8. A cup of coffee or two.  Coffee increases your body temperature, speeds up the metabolism and decreases the appetite. It also releases dopamine in the brain and makes us feel happy.

9. Drink green tea. It also speeds up the metabolism and has other health benefits.

10. Be a lark. It has been proven that exercise done before lunch burns more calories than any other time of the day.

11. Drink milk. According to the American Journal of  Clinical Nutrition, Milk and other sources of calcium greatly speed up metabolism, mainly because it affects acidity levels in the gut and that, in turn, slows down the absorption of fat.

12. Rev it up first, then apply the breaks. If you kick off your exercise sessions by running or walking fast (after a few minutes warm-up), then slowing down, it can boost the effectiveness of your fat burning by 23%, according to a new study.

13. Make it wholewheat for breakfast. If you start the day with some wholewheat bread or muesli, you will get a head start on your fat burning activities. White bread or any refined cereal (cornflakes, Cheerios, etc) has the opposite effect.

14. Mix up the exercise. People who do all kinds of different sports, burn calories a lot faster than those who do the same thing all the time. If you swap the walking for swimming, cycling or any kind of aerobic class twice a week, you'll get rid of the extra weight a lot faster.

15. Choose the right fats. People who eat small amounts of healthy fats (like olive oil) have a faster metabolism than those who eat the same amounts of saturated fats (such as butter).

16. Walking with poles. Power walking using poles burns twice as many calories as walking without.

17.Hi, honey! Honey is sweet and delicious. It also helps burn fat because of the type of sugar it contains. But small amounts are best.

18. Cook with Coconut.  Digesting coconut fat makes the body also release heat which makes you feel full fast and it also burns more fat.

19. Omega 6.  Fats in such foods as sesame seeds and corn oil go rancid very fast and this is why the body breaks it down faster, increasing the metabolism for a short time. But it is important to balance Omega 6 with Omega 3 by eating oily fish around three times a week (or taking fish oil as a supplement).

20. Top up vitamin D levels. The right amount of vitamin D slows down insulin levels which helps make the metabolism become more efficient. Vitamin D combined with calcium makes sure that the fat cells don't absorb too much fat. Sunshine (in moderation) and foods such as eggs and milk are good sources of vitamin D.

Lots of tips and I don't suggest you apply them all. But maybe you could make a few changes here and there and see good results very soon.

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